JBBI has built an enviable track record of successfully facilitating step changes in performance across a number of blue chip companies and organisations in the UK, Scandinavia and other parts of the world.

We have worked with a diversity of industry sectors and functions including telecom, IT, utility, financial services, private equity, retail, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, broadcasting, construction, professional services, and shipping.

Our customers include:

  • Transforming IT division

    “JBBI has played a key role in the successful transformation of the bank’s Corporate IT. The strong processes surrounding the engagement of all staff and the organisational change programme have enabled us to bring the underlying issues to the surface and getting these addressed constructively together with colleagues across the organisation. The approach has been a radical change in our leadership style and the effect on trust, engagement and sense of belonging across the organisation has put the organisation in a much better place to take IT services forward in bank. JBBI has been a valued partner in the transformation of Corporate IT and I am very happy to recommend them.”

    Head of UK Bank’s Corporate IT Division

  • Creating a high performance organisation

    “JBBI has played a vital role in the successful transformation of our organisation. JBBI had a brief of helping us create a high performance organisation and they have been very successful in delivering this. They helped us create a winning mind-set and build a management team and an organisation capable of successfully turning around the business. We are now creating true shareholder value through customer preference because of our people strengths. The combination of insight into the business issues and a fantastic ability to engage and develop people in a practical way have been unique compared to any other experience I have had with consultants in this area. The fact that JBBI linked a large proportion of their fee to business results and measurable improvements in behaviour created a strong alignment between our goals and showed their commitment to making this transformation a success. I have continued to use JBBI in other projects and strongly recommend JBBI.”

    Managing Director

  • Multi-dimensional change

    “If I had known what we were taking on, I might not have gone ahead. I am extremely pleased that we did, however. I thought I was buying team clarity of vision and mission, with projects and activities to develop my leaders and deliver improved performance. What I actually bought was of much higher value. We have achieved a mind-set shift that has enabled us to handle multi-dimensional change while managing the tension of Business as Usual demands, which are great. The level of individual and collective learning we experienced far exceeded my expectations. Through mobilising a broader leadership community we are really starting to see the benefits in the performance of the operation.”

    Head of a large shared services division